Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happiness is a Waffle Cone

I have made a solid group of friend's here and I am so very happy about that. In the first couple days of the group's inception, we had a big outing that happened by accident. Mi amigo de Espana and I planned to go into Roskilde to walk by the water. While we were leaving the dorms we ran into Rannochio and Pollo, mis novios de Italia. The plan quickly changed to going to the Cantine and then heading into town. On the way to the cantine, we ran into Mo and that became our group. These are the boys AKA mis novios my new euro boyfriends
Upon arriving in Roskilde, we got off of the train. Once accomplishing that first, very important, task we headed into town. We walked through down the main strøget toward the water. However, no walk is complete without stopping at a lovely cathedral to snap photos and exchange witty banter. Here is our pit stop:
fun in roskilde fun in roskilde Please notice how white Rannochio's scarpes (shoes) are. He takes very good care of them to keep them so gleaming and really likes those shoes, because they have little Italian flags on them.
Back to the trip...
After passing the big beautiful church, we strolled down a path in a park on our way to the fjords. There were many opportunities for photo opps and we stumbled upon a very cute, very empty playground and our inner children erupted with glee.
fun in roskilde fun in roskilde
After much laughter, we finally made it to the water and it was beautiful. fun in roskilde We walked around, took more pictures, had more laughs, took more pictures. fun in roskilde fun in roskilde
We walked around the Viking ship area and got to see a man making a boat. fun in roskilde
I occurred to me, in hindsight, that it might be a strange feeling to get your picture taken while performing a trade that does not typically include performing for an audience. However, while I was taking the photo I could not be bothered to think about anything other than my overflowing sense of excitement.
On our way back to our town and responsibilities, we stopped by a museum and stood under a weeping willow tree. fun in roskilde This was a wonderful date for five if I do say so myself--and I do. The best part of the date, however, happened at the very end. We celebrated our favorite Danish tradition. At the end/beginning/middle of a journey, it is customary to have ice cream. So, when in Rome...
ice cream dreams ice cream dreams ice cream dreams ice cream dreams ice cream dreams
I believe this tradition to be very important in maintaining the Danes status as happiest people on Earth.
ice cream dreams

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