Thursday, October 2, 2008

remissed the boat

I have been a poor travel blogger. So, I will take this time to apologize to my vast readership. I'm sorry.
I have been very busy and never home. Although, we I try to recount all of my adventure it occurs to me that I do the same thing everyday and that thing is not much of a subject for blogging...partying.
Yes, there have been many parties.

First, there was Arsfest. This is the biggest party of the year for RUC and the longest. 13 hours of school-sanctioned drinking. There were DJs and two live bands. One was an AC/DC cover band and the other was called Chili Machine. They are a band that covers Red Hot Chili Peppers and Rage Against the Machine. America's thumb print is everywhere I go. This was a very fun party, because I got to dance and go crazy with all of my favorite people at once: mis novios y los guapos de espana.

Then, there was a birthday for my friend Ranocchio. For the 1st time ever, I baked a cake from scratch. It was an adventure. 1st, the recipe called for baking powder and shortening and for some reason, I decided not to buy those items and did not realize the discrepancy until after the stores closed. Shortening was not a problem, because I had plenty of margarine. However, no levadura means no cake. Eventually, I pilfered some. So, that resolved itself. The other fun fact is that it is very difficult to mix frosting and cake ingredients without an electric mixer. This made the process take a bit longer and require a bit more love than if I were making a cake for someone in the states. The end result was a very homemade looking cake in the likeness of a frog, but a very delicious cake all the same.

I was impressed and have had many requests for my recipe. It was moist and vanilla-y and one of the most enjoyable cakes I have ever eaten. This might be because of all of the effort that went into it...We may never know. The evening ended with my friend locking himself out of his room and a bunch of drunk people trying to break in.

We were not successful. So, I had a roommate for 2 nights.

This past weekend, Christiania had a birthday. This meant an enormous party where people smoked as much hash as they had kroner for. It was very fun y yo estaba mucha borracha.
The following night was the future party. It seems funny to discuss the future in the past... This was an evening of tin foil (perro no te follo) everywhere. Truly an evening to be remembered.

Finally, the last three days have been a blur of debauchery. A lesson I have learned is if I don't want to get so drunk I need to stay far away from the Spanish. This is hard to do, because they are everywhere and always borrachos.
Currently, I am trying to catch up on uploading photos.
Also, on the 14th I will see La Traviata and on the 15th I will see Italy. What could be more exciting to look forward to?

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