Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 1: intro to a traveling rant rag

Upon the urging of my most beloved aunt to keep a travel journal, I decided to create a travel blog. Today, I am trying to tie up loose ends such as figuring out how to get my bike over the ocean, how much this will cost, how to get a bike box. all while trying to keep myself from forgetting to buy shape converters for my glorious electronics. This part of the travel adventure is admittedly boring, but part of the process nonetheless.
I am having a mini-going-away-bar-blitz tomorrow at the Beacon Pub on Beacon Hill in Seattle. Then, I wrap up the packing portion of my journey in the next couple of days before I take off on Wednesday.
I am very excited, nervous, terrified, and enthusiastic all at once. I can't wait to share my adventures and invite and helpful anecdotes to help me along the way.

Stay tuned...


Quinntessence said...

So when shall i expect you in Finland? Im not saying its interesting here, but i mean... i'm here, and that can be interesting.

Jenna D said...

I am nervous and excited for you! Good luck getting your bike across, babe. Hopefully I can come see you this fall!

Betsy Rocks said...

Shanny Pants, they make AMAZING bikes in Denmark. Don't bring yours with you, buy one from some old dudes once you get there. I'm sure you'll spend the same amount as shipping as you will getting one there, you'll have a nice story to blog about where you found your new bike, AND you'll have a bike to ride when you get home.
Just a thought from the birddog & bits!

manic hispanic said...

I should have read betsy's post a few days ago. instead, i brought my bike. big pain in the arse!