Monday, November 10, 2008


Eso es me amigo...


Allow me to tell you a little bit about this most interesting of people.

First of all, he is from a part of Spain called Andalucía. He lives just outside of Tarifa and goes to school in Málaga.

Here at RUC, he studies Communications, a department that provides him with free coffee and Foosball matches (which i generally win).

I remember quite well the day we met. My group had been shuffled round RUC and Roskilde all day with our luggage. By the end of the ordeal, we were all a little broken in spirit. Luckilly, it was Cookie's birthday. So, it was a time for drink. We wandered into the kitchen closest to his room and there I found my new best friend! He was eating dinner with three other people whom you have no doubt seen ad naseum in my photos. However, they will go nameless because this post is for Ricardo.

I will describe him from the bottom up as he gets more interesting going this direction. He has a brown pair of slippers that you will often find him in while wandering around Korallen. It gives him a very, dude like feel. I find comfort in seeing him in his slippers takin' 'er easy for all us sinners. He has an array of slightly EuroTrash shirts among my favorites are his VHS shirt, his purple and blue striped shirt, and his black and blue hooded sweatshirt. There is just something about these shirts. Moving along, it should be noted that he's a hairy man. Quite possibly the hairiest in all of Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin' for hairiest worldwide. Much hair on his arms and legs. Hair everywhere! His facial hair often resembles a wild unkempt forrest. He has also gone on strike in regard to cutting his hair. He told me he once found a cricket in his hair. I am surprised he found it at all! However, in this mess of hair are two stunning eyes and a warm and charming smile. These features of his make living without the sun possible.

Ricardo is a very sweet and warm person and he gives some of the best hugs you will ever receive in your life and he is indiscriminate in his giving of them. He always seems to have a smile on his face, which may be because of the air*, but I think it is his kind spirit. He often loves a party with drinking and smoking even if he protests to it at 1st. He often says that he will not leave his room on a particular evening, because he does not wish to party and then be one of the last people to go to bed. He is a very fun and free-spirited person who makes everything lively. Though, I must confess my favorite moments with him are spent sitting on my bed, eating American tortillas, and watching Destinos.

His tragic downfall is that he is confused in the matters concerning love. He loves all women so much that he cannot be in love with just one. This is a theme for him, he is affraid of what he might miss. This portion of his character causes many dramatic problems for him. I think without these problems, though, he would be terribly bored.

My favorite Ricardo-isms:
Sannon, don't be sorry. jyou are good pare-son and i am a bad pare-son. do not feel sorry to me.
and the way he says "JYESSSSS" instead of "yes."

Ricardo is my number 1 and when I leave Denmark, I will miss him like the deserts miss the rain.

Besitos (sin negro) a mi mejor amigo en Dinamarca!

*ricardo knows

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