Saturday, November 22, 2008

The State I'm In...

My time here at Ruc is winding down, but the work load is ramping up. So, I want to take a quick moment to reflect before I return my nose to the grind stone.
I came to Denmark full of optimism that I would love every second, learn Danish, create friendships with Danes, travel around Scandinavia and other parts of Europe, and go to school at a school different than what I am accustomed to, and I would return happy for the experience.
I quickly learned that Danish is an impossible language and I don't really like Denmark that much. I might have like it more if I were here during the summer. However, I am not likely to return to find out.
Also, Danes really are hard to get to know and the men are dripping with this disgusting ooze of machismo. The other day there was a sign posted by some Danes in response to a heavy make out session in their kitchen that read: "don't fuck here or I will rape you." With an equally pleasant sub-sentence that read: "Or fuck me and I will still rape you." Also, as we Americans congregated to watch the election footage with baited breath two Danish dudes came in and only talked about how stupid Americans are. Then asked us why we don't feel oppressed because we can't call black people the "n" word. Basically, they are rude, denigrating, and hostile. Then, they hide behind this clever ruse called Danish humor.
Travel has been limited because our teachers created this fieldwork course where we had to go to organizations and be very careful not to embarrass our supervisors by asking questions. Then write a couple pages for the purposes of being told that we aren't taking these assignments seriously and this is how our analysis sucks. Now we are in the throws of project work which at this point means 12-hour days of work for the next two weeks. I was able to visit a couple places in Denmark: Mons and Odense. And I did get to see Milano, Napoli, Roma, and Madrid. So, I cannot complain too much.
With all of this said, I have experience a new school system and I have hated almost every second of it. This is the most adversarial system I have ever been a part of. These group projects are hard enough to pull off, but the fact that our specific program abbreviates them by a week or two makes them even more defeating. I feel this program has set me up to fail from the beginning.
So, I will return home lacking a sense of accomplishment. Which is probably one of the main reasons that I am having a hard time swallowing returning to the states. Because I will be returning with my tail between my legs. I need an international experience that I can be proud of and relish in. This is why my next goal is to work hard and go to Spain for a while to learn Spanish and Spanish culture. This is something I can do. It is a self-directed program without a trap around every corner. So, if you would like to contribute moral and financial support, I am not too proud to receive it.
One last thing before I go. It has begun snowing here and I am not sure whether I think this is a good or bad thing. I do know I need to by some warm boots.
Ok. that is all i've got for you.
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

1 comment:

Quinntessence said...

Finland is full of alcoholics. They are not exactly rude, but they don't really want foreigners here either.
I too went to school in Europe with great expectations just to end up failing. When i dropped out of Grad school i felt like i was the stupidest person in the world. Sometimes i still don't understand what happened. I am looking forward to going back to seattle. its been a long 17 months, and it will be good to be home for a while before i start my next adventure. It would be super wonderful if you help me learn spanish :) as the next plan is South America... though Spain would be nice too.